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IMPORTANT - To whoever sold a whole bunch of backgrounds on Ebay in April/May, PLEASE READ!! (Fri Jun 28 02:54:36 2002 )
riven [View profile ]

Hey folks, 
Hopefully if you're reading this, you're the 
person who goes to this board who posted a 
bunch of cel BGs on Ebay a couple of months 
ago... or maybe you know the person who 

Anyway, the email I used for my Ebay account 
has totally died on me, and because of that, I 
couldn't pay whoever I won a background 
from, and consequently my Ebay account is 
BLOCKED, so I can't even log in to find out the 
seller information. I don't remember the 
seller's username, so I'm pretty much f**ked. 
If I email Ebay, they'll just send some stupid 
auto-bot response to my email address that 
doesn't work. 

I can't change my email address for eBay 
because they won't let me do ANYTHING with 
my account. 

I can't get my account back until the seller 
retracts the 3rd non-paying bidder warning.

Now I KNOW the seller goes to these boards, 
and I'm really hoping he or she will see this 
message, because I really need my eBay 
account back. .. but I can't get it back until I find 
the seller who got my account blocked for not 
paying for that damn background.

As you can tell, this has all been really 
irritating. It's stuff like this that keeps me from 
ever having a fit if someone doesn't pay me for 
something. -_-;;  I just re-list the item, 
personally. But that's just me. 

Anyways, if you are the seller, my eBay ID is/
was ladyriven, and I won a BG that had clouds 
and the top of some buildings in it. PLEASE 
the address Ryuuen@ATT.net 
Under no circumstances should you bother to 
try contacting my animegoddess.com email. 
Tis dead as a doornail, my friend. 

If you KNOW the seller, then.. god.. please 
give me their username so I can contact them. 
I want to get all this crap straightened out. >_<

- Riven

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