Well, no right clicks on rubberslug galleries is
automated. Somehow, I just simply love the
feature when no-right clicks can be applied on
enlarged cel images, but not on thumbnails.
*standing on the webmaster point of view*
On some extent, makes it difficult to steal cel
images. I know that for some who loves to collect
cel images just as much as I do. But I don't
distribute it nor use it in the wrong ways and I
always ask permission to allow any cel image to
be used.
There are certainly other many ways to save a
picture even when there's no-right clicks. All
made possible with IE.
But I guess the best way is to watermark every
cel. Especially it covers the whole cel and not
just the top/bottom, left/right hand corner of
the picture that can be easily cropped.
As to whether or not it's worth it.. Well, I
guess it's worth when the person who planned to
take your images doesn't know much about html
scripts or whatever. But the best way is always
not upload the picture. Which I find, is rather
impossible, unless you want to remain anonymous
and would rather be happy with your collection to
only view by you.
There's always a give and take. There are other
ways to prevent stealing of cel images. Like
munging your script, etc.... plenty of ways to
make it difficult for people who want your images
or layouts. |