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Just a little poll/survey what-do-you-think type thingie (Wed Jul 3 12:10:30 2002 )
Kylen [View profile ]

Umph- I hope no one finds this offensive..because 
I honestly don't mean it that way...

Okay, my question is about how I've noticed as of 
late how many people have the "no right click" 
javascript on their Rubberslug galleries.  What 
does everyone think of this?  I know one has a 
right and an understandable want to protect their 
cels from fraud and image theft, but when they 
already have plastered ( copyright my gallery ) 
all over it ( I'm guilty of this part myself ), I 
find the whole "no right click" script to be kind 
of annoying.  Firstly, I enjoy keeping a folder 
of really pretty gems that I found in other 
people's galleries.  I don't print them up, or 
post them elsewhere.  I just like to thumb 
through them on my computer once in awhile, and 
all the pretties are conveniently located in one 
folder so I can admire the jewels of other 
people's collections.  I find the whole "no right 
click" thing kind of silly, as all I have to do 
is go View-->Source and I get the URL for the 
image right in there, and thus download the file 
from there.  I can see how this can catch the 
less computer competent, but it will hardly stop 
anyone who would really like to take your image 

So argh, just wondering how everyone feels about 
that.  For those who have the mentioned 
javascript in their galleries, I'm not bashing 
you or anything, I just honestly wonder if it's 
worth it.  I've had my entire gallery stolen 
before, and reuploaded to someone else's website, 
claiming they owned all my cels.  So I know how 
crappy it is to have people lay claim to your 

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