^_^...well...I love all of my cels equally
(sounds like my parents, lol)...honestly I could
write a novel about my cels...and I only have 7.
So I'll just tell the one with the most
interesting story.
My chibi-moon cel! I was kinda new to collecting
cels, and at this point, the SM market was kinda
crazy. I watched a black lady on ebay go for more
than $400. I really, really wanted a cel of
anyone in the white and gold princess dress...but
I didn't have the thousands of dollars to buy one
of them. I had been offering increasing amounts
of money to different individuals (if you collect
from SM, chances are you've heard from me ^_^)
but had yet to get a taker. I discovered celga
and yahoo!japan,(back when there were new cels on
it every couple of hours). I saw his cel, and
after calculating how much it was in US dollars
(I bet all of us could estimate how much we are
paying for a cel listed in yen pretty accuratley
now...)I was amazed. I sent in my bid to celga,
but was the 2nd customer...It isn't very often
that you're watching an auction and hoping for it
go higher, lol. Every oppertunity I got, I was on
the computer...I got a kinda adrenaline rush
watching it go higher....in the final moments,
the bidders were getting very close to my max bid
(!), and then after it ended, I couldn't figure
out how to view it...my email was actin' wierd
and I didn't get the confirmation from celga...I
was on edge for days, but I finally contacted
them and found out I won. When it arrived...I
was just euphoric. Just before xmas!
OK, now on to the vitures of the actual cel...I
didn't actually know what particular scene it
came from until after I got it. In this
particular scene, she's inside pegasus's
dimension...I simply could not have asked for a
better time. I like chibi in her princess
form...and this IS the ONE I wanted. This is a
charecter dream cel. Chibi is not my favorite
charecter (the pink spawn...)but I think that at
times she is one of my favorite...she seems so
serene (serene..seren-ity) and happy here...her
eyes are varying degrees of red...Her hair has
different shades of pink, and look very closely
at her dress, and you can see that the shadows in
the wrinkles are pink. It's incredibly
detailed...the beads on her dress are only a few
times bigger than the point of a needle, but they
are painted immaculatley.I love the bow on her
back that is shadowed in an even different
pink.and the little curls by her ears, just like
her mom...and the teeny little earing that I
never knew chibi had before that. It's labeled
A5. Luna art (www.luna-art.com) has one labeled
A4. This is in the running, along with the
Queen Serenity ( ^_^)and the Eudial I seemed to
snatch off Y!J from everybody, and the neptune
bank cel...and the pluto bank cel...and....
^_^ Holly |