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LOL! (Thu Jul 11 19:15:18 2002 )
japester [View profile ]

Well, hats off to you for being able to laugh 
about it.  I know that I ticked you off at that 
time as well, even though I only meant it in fun. 
 I'm glad that it's all history right now.  No 
harm was intended.

You know, I personally never had a problem with 
you announcing the sale.  It sucks that people had 
to blame you for the crash and such.  And to blame 
you for losing their dreamcels?  Bah!

What I found funny about the whole thing (and 
which prompted my joke) was that after announcing 
the sale, *you* were the loudest person 
complaining about not being able to log on!  
LOL!!!  Oh, the irony....  ;-D


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