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What is your `stuck your foot -n-your mouth` newbie anime post? (Thu Jul 11 08:25:11 2002 )
E-N-J [View profile ]

Personally, I have put out some "hum-dingers" 
and when I use the archive search and look 
up some of  posts that I have written here 
(search using my handle).. I can`t stop 
laughing at some of the dumb and ignorant , 
albeit well meaning `messages` that I have 
written ^-^. I haven`t changed much it seems --
!! But, it is so nice to know that there are some 
really forgiving people here. I remember when 
I was a complete newbie to cel collecting  and 
to this forum--and one day I tried to "warn" 
collectors about this person with "deep 
pockets" calle "Bustakei" that was buying up 
all of the cels on Yahoo JP!! HAHAHAhahaha! I 
had no idea that Bustakei was actually "Celga" 
and that many  collectors use this service 
here! Boy, did I get slammed for that one!! I 
was the butt of quite a few "comments ". 
Although, I had some people actually come to 
my defense, though and it was so amazing.. It 
was during some of the flame war days..Now 
that I know a thing or two, and I see some 
newbie posters out there, it reminds me of  
myself and those "days of haze" :) And I 
appreciate the `experts` for thanking the time 
and helping out this poor soul..
Now that was my number # 1 newbie, foot in 
the mouth (mad cow diease) post...How about 
yours ? Can you remember your most newbie  
of newbiest (*duh, I must not have a brain *)
post? One that you can now look back on with 
humor? I am dying to hear what you have to 

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