people who hide peeve me the most off of anyone
on the internet. as long as your not disclosing
your home address and the name of your wife and
kids, who cares if you post a name? yann knows
your ip address, anyways, so what does it matter?
anyways, i think that it's stupid for someone to
post that people that like hentai are sick
freaks. have you *turned on* your television
anytime lately? have you looked at billboards,
and magazines, and video stores? pop culture has
overtaken this country, and people are buying
into it like angry wolves eat sheep. come on,
does britney spears dancing around talking about
making a dance floor her "own little nasty
thing" strike you as normal? so by your
standards, the whole country is a breeding
ground for sick freaks.
but that's the great thing about the internet;
you can say what you want, when you want, no one
can tell you otherwise (albeit for them to ban
you from their board, but that's just
childish...), and you can hide. if you ask me,
you're the sick freak. what kind of person can
you say you've become in this lifetime if you
don't even have the balls to stand behind your
own statements?
haruna |