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Re: Why is it that so many women anime fans...(please read) (Wed Jul 17 17:17:03 2002 )
mouse [View profile ]

Wow, where is Ms. Poe when this thread is going 
on?  Haha!  She has lovely hentai/yaoi cels.

Anyways, I myself hate hentai, and Im not a fan 
of Yaoi either.  I like the bishounen, but it 
depends on them really.  And, no offense at all 
to anyone, but guy/guy action does nothing for 
me.  Im also usually not a fan of the girly boys 
in anime.  Example:  In Tennimon.  I didnt like 
Mikael or Raph nearly as much as Yuusuke.  FY is 
a total exception of course.  But the girly guys 
in that show had such interesting stories and 
funny personalities that I didnt mind.  (peenches 
Nuri's cheeks)  I liked him more for his story 
and personality.  I didnt like Hotohori at all, 
and he was meant to be the bishounen majoris...  
Oh look, Im off topic!  Back to the path....I 
figure if I want to see sexual activities I can 
turn on the TV and it's there.  Hmmmm, however..I 
have seen a few hentai series that were actually 
quite cute.  The sex was there just as comedy, or 
it actually added to the story.  Im not a fan but 
if Im tied to the sofa and made to watch it I 
wont die.  

Another thing...some hentai series have gorgeous 
art...so naturally cel collectors want it.  I 
just saw Taro update a very pretty cel from Words 
Worth last night or so. Nice art!  I also think a 
lot of the Yaoi series have pretty art.  But for 
the most part, the guys are just too pretty to do 
much for me.  

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