you dont get too much around these parts for
blood it brings maybe 20-30 bucks..and you have
to wait like 2 or 3 weeks in between donations.
Selling eggs from your ovaries about 1500.00-
2000.00 kidneys about 15,000.00, if the other
guy is desperate enough for it and rich enough...
male er..well male..**blush** well..essence of
trousers will bring about 25.00-50.00 a pop (so
to speak)
A little more if you have a harvard degree and
or look like Matt **ewwww way to whitebread for
me** Damon.
seriously selling the body bits your not
really using is not very lucrative. (thats why
they call it a donation)
The real money is in stuff that you kinda only
got one of and are still using.
You could always try hawking some old cels. You
could see if the other guy will do a trade or a
payment plan..
You can sell other stuff that you actually own
on ebay. Im not recommending other stuff in your
house..if you live with someone else, they might
not be too thrilled that you got their toaster,
toothbrush and dog house up on the auction block.
or you might have to make do without it. It
hurts but cels cycle here and you might catch it
on a rebound..
good luck