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Kurei 'n Nagi (Sun Aug 4 22:56:54 2002 )
summer_queen [View profile ]

I have to agree with Crescentia about Kurei. 
Generally even gorgeous Mikagami cels are 
cheaper than Kurei. Though, well, she and I have 
a pool of 2 cels to base this on. Whyfor so much 
more expensive?

1. Rare. As mentioned, we've seen *2* cels of 
him, even though he's frequently seen in the 
anime. She has one, I have the other.

2. Charismatic villian. 'Nuff said.

As for Nagi-kun here, he's my priciest non-
special Weiss boy cel, by more than double the 
nearest competition in my galery. I've seen a 
couple of  "cheap" cels of him solo (cheap being 
a relative term), and I have one "inexpensive" 
cel of Nagi and Aya that came as part of a lot, 
but other than that, nothing under $300 (and oft-
times closer to $400-600) for a good portrait 

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