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Kurei and Raiha... (Sun Aug 4 19:55:34 2002 )
Cres [View profile ]

Flame of Recca is relatively easy on the wallet 
to collect. However, there are two individuals, 
Kurei and Raiha, who are insanely difficult to 
pin down... and when you *can* find a good shot 
of either of them, they're often selling for 5-15 
times what similar shots of other characters go 

Kurei is the angsty villain, although most people 
start feeling a lot of sympathy for him about two-
thirds of the way through the series as his past 
is colored in. And Raiha is his handsome purple-
haired loyal ninja, so one guess there as to why 
*he's* tough to get a good shot of. *g*

The odd thing is, though, that Kurei makes very 
regular appearances throughout the series, and 
you'd think that there would be plenty of cels of 
him. But it's not the case. So with low 
quantities of popular characters... I'm guessing 
I'll be satisfied with staring at the backs of 
their heads for a while, until I can find 
something better. :o)


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