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I called.... (Mon Aug 5 20:32:50 2002 )
mouse [View profile ]

I got a lot of different answers, as I called 
about 4 po's in town.  One guy was so slurred I 
couldnt understand him ^^;;.  Anyways, I was 
told "Yes, we are going to stop carrying those"  
Then when I mentioned the St Louis deal, he said 
to hold and and he'd check again.  Then he said 
something about only the mp ones...blah blah.  
Then one lady said "Yes, we have them"  I was 
like "Yeah, but will you STOP selling them?"  She 
goes, "We have some we're selling now."  DAR, 
Goerge want nanna, George likey nannas!  People 
are so....hard to get through to.  But it sounds 
like the ipmo might be gone soon.

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