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Re: Re: Offline exhibition of anime art. (Mon Aug 5 08:05:57 2002 )
E-N-J [View profile ]

Wow! Thank you, thank you a hundred times over 
for the great advice and information on how to do 
it right. Documentation IS everything...

Yes, the smokers! I forgot about that them..Here 
about 50% or more of the men smoke cigarettes in 
bars/restaurants it is probably higher..(*cough-
cough*) Those nasty yellow stains...ugh! I would 
really have to have them sealed up pretty good.

And I have noticed that there is track lighting 
that seems a bit on the bright side..hmm. Maybe, 
I'll do a test run with some super cheap cels 
(ones that I can sacrifice) and see what happens 
over a weeks time..



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