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Re: Re: Beware of Anime4usall21 (hell of a lot more inside) (Sun Apr 24 00:00:45 2005 )
Anime Jewell [View profile ]



   I've read the posts and I'm severely 
disappointed with any cel collector that abuses 
other people trust.  Buying and trading cels is 
based on our trust of one another and when one 
breaks that trust then it's hard on everybody.

   I didn't block your bidding on my auctions 
from just what Jennifer said.  I had another 
friend who emailed me who had bad dealings with 
you also.  But primarily, I blocked them because 
you approached me with buying a cel and stated 
how you would pay.  You definitely had my email 
address.  I emailed you 3 times asking if you 
had changed your mind with no response.  You 
never sent the payments as you stated nor did 
you contact me again.  I have no problem with 
collectors changing their minds about buying 
cels.  We all have unexpecting occurrences in 
our live, but I do expect the courtesy 
associated with telling somebody that they have 
changed their mind especially in the light that 
you contacted me.  Due to this, that is why I 
didn't want you bidding on my auctions.  Plus 
you have 2 negative feedback on eBay and this 
doesn't reflect either Jennifer's transaction 
with you nor my other friend who contacted me.

   In the future, if I hear different then I 
will be happy to have you bid on my auctions, 
but for right now I feel differently.

   I hope all gets resolved for you.

Anime Jewell

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