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I agree with ack, but for a different reason... (Fri Oct 25 02:20:24 2002 )
blueheaven [View profile ]

Recently, I got my hands on a cel from MSN 
auctions for $25. The last time I saw a cel of 
that particular character, it was priced at $500. 
The only reason I got it for such a great deal 
was that I was the only one who had seen it and 
recognized the character. Now, if someone had 
gone and posted, "hey, there is a killer cel of 
Urt from Outlaw Star on MSN right now!", I would 
have been pissed. Now I will pay $125-$200 for 
the cel. I think that if someone is posting here 
looking for a cel, it is OK to inform them that 
there are cels on YJ, but not to post a 
particular auction. Like Yann said, the auction 
is already public, so there is really very little 
work involved in just searching YJ. I think that 
it is unfair to those of us who take the time to 
search YJ and other sites, to get our bid prices 
jacked up because someone saw a link to the same 
auction posted on this forum. But hey, who said 
life was fair, right?

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