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Thanks for stopping by, all! **hugs** And a couple o' questions answered... (Fri Oct 25 04:47:46 2002 )
evilminion [View profile ]

First off, I was just way too beat last night to
anticipate and preemptively answer the obvious
questions, so of course I woke up to a bunch of
'em in my mailbox.  *grin*

In particular, a bunch of you noticed that many
cels are now missing from my gallery, particularly
from the Gawl and Sorcerer Hunters
sections.  No, this doesn't mean that I somehow
lost 'em all.  *grin*  But the new site format
requires an image, two thumbs, and a subpage for
every cel, so for the sake of server space (and my
own sanity ;), I'm only showcasing the largest
and/or most pivotal ones.

Also, I have to agree with several of you on the
sidebar text... I really need to do something to
make it more visible.  It looked fine on my laptop
screen, but as soon as I saw it on my hubby's
monitor, I realized that I'd made a mistake.  I'll
do some color and shading tests and improve those
.gifs when I get the chance.

To everyone who has stopped by, thank you very
much for your kind comments on the cels.  It
really makes the process of putting them up for
viewing worthwhile!  Thanks also for the get-well
wishes... it's just WAY too early in the year to
have the flu.  Blah.  With any luck, this means
that I'm getting it out of the way early and will
be healthy as a horse for the rest of the fall and

Rekka!!  Hi-hi, girl!  Of course the bishies are
back -- it just wouldn't be a gallery without 'em.
 ^_^  Any more word on your Japanese boy
situation?    Email me!

Jose -- uh, oh, as if I didn't have enough to
worry about.  *grin*  Now you're going to be
stalking Koji and Vincent in addition to Vash?  I
wouldn't be worried, except that I occasionally
let your boyfriend into my home.  Guess I'll have
to check the cel books before he leaves, to make
sure he's not bringing you a souvenier... ^_~

Brian!  Yep, the Pocket cels arrived in record
time -- like only three months or so, heh.  With
no warning, either, I just opened the door one day
and the mailman handed them over.  I'm surprised
you didn't hear me squealing all the way from there.

Misha, where the heck did you get a cel of Clef
hacking his lungs out?  I nearly died giggling. 
(Which, of course, made me hack my lungs out,
which then made the cel even funnier... I'm pathetic.)

And Xanthix, thanks for the feedback, but at this
point I'd rather leave out Netscape 4.x users, IE
users, anyone named Bob, all users with brown
hair, AND nibble off my own left arm rather than
redo all 437 pages of the site.  *grin*  Gimme a
month or so and then I'll see what I can do with
an alternate layout in standard frames, for folks
who still use old-timey browsers.

Take care, all, and man, but it's nice to be back
among friends!!  **hugs**  ^_^

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