Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
Wow... (Thu Oct 24 14:13:12 2002
Baakay (blink, blink) [View profile
a place that doesn't compare :-)
Great work! The thumbnails are really nice--
(ponders how little her own are and exactly how
much of a pain it would be to make them bigger)
And the individual pages for the cels are
outstanding. It's nice being able to really take
a good look at them.
One thing, though... I really miss your captions
for each cel! *snif*
Get better. We had the crud here last week. Nooo
Message thread :
- Evilminion.com is back, updated, and completely redesigned. ^_^ - evilminion (24 Oct 07h47)
- Ooooooo... - chibiusa98 (24 Oct 12h23)
- Wow... - Baakay (blink, blink) (24 Oct 14h13)
- Re: Evilminion.com is back, updated, and completely redesigned. ^_^ - Aries (24 Oct 14h16)
- Re: Evilminion.com is back, updated, and completely redesigned. ^_^ - Aries (24 Oct 14h17)
- Wee she's back! And so are the bishis!!! - rekka (24 Oct 16h07)
- Re: Evilminion.com is back, updated, and completely redesigned. ^_^ - HerbertWest (24 Oct 16h12)
- Re: Evilminion.com is back, updated, and completely redesigned. ^_^ - Frostrubin (24 Oct 18h48)
- Re: Evilminion.com is back, updated, and completely redesigned. ^_^ - mouse (24 Oct 19h33)
- Mmmm *contented purr* - joseishijin (24 Oct 19h43)
- ^_^;; - joseishijin (24 Oct 19h52)
- Trembles with envy... - blueheaven (24 Oct 21h10)
- Dance dance! - Misha (24 Oct 23h56)
- Re: Evilminion.com is back, updated, and completely redesigned. ^_^ - nesuferit (25 Oct 03h00)
- Honest web site feedback - Xanthix (25 Oct 03h40)
- Honest web site feedback - Xanthix (25 Oct 03h58)
- Thanks for stopping by, all! **hugs** And a couple o' questions answered... - evilminion (25 Oct 04h47)