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Re:OK, the Guy Just e-mailed me. What does this mean?? (Thu Oct 31 04:10:27 2002 )
eitx [View profile ]


I hope this goes through.  Basically problem is
that I sent him an International Postal Money
Order and left the "Pay To" part blank since he
gave me his name in Japanese instead of English. 
They wouldn't accept it because I didn't write his
name in it and he is asking me to go out and buy
another one.  I asked them to just write their
name in the "Pay to" part or just send it back so
i can reissue a new one.  So, here is what he
wrote me:


Raw English Translation:
"You writing your own name and address on
exchange, it was useless. Being there is no
excuse, it does, but being this day exchange is
sent to there reissuing, being to think, it
receives and sends to this way and would like to
receive we ask may. "

Now, I am a bit confused as to what he means.  Did
he fix the problem or is he going to send it back
so I can reissue a new one?

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