First you received very many cels very cheap,
so the value has been stated. The sketch will
not make that much of a difference IMO.
However cels that are not stuck to the sketch
tend to be more attractive to a buyer, if you
intend to sell them.
My Idea:
Next is a procedure that I have used and has
worked 80% of the time:
Stuck Sketches:
If they are really stuck, then you will damage
the sketch most likey. Whatever you consider,
remember that the cel is the important part.
You can "freeze" the cel in a freezer that is
large enough to lay the cel flat. After at least a
few hours or so, you can try to gently tug at the
sketch. This helps to solidfy the paint, but you
have to be careful not to have "chips" .
If it is not on too strongly it will come off easily.
If the sketch is still giving you problems and
If it is still pretty much glued on strongly after a
days worth of freezing, I would suggest a
different approach. Remember, that the most
important thing, again,,is the cel.
This next procedure will indeed destroy the
You take the cel and lay it on a completely
clean and flat service. A surface that can take
water. Take a clean sponge and semi-soak it
in water. Begin to slowly sponge the back of
the cel soaking the paper , but not overly
soaking it so much that you will also desolve
the paint..just the paper. After the paper is nice
and soaked, begin to peel away from areas of
least resistance (if there is such a place) and
work you way around the really stuck on areas.
Once you get the easy parts off make sure not
to tug on the difficult parts too strongly or you
will defintely have some paint loss. In any
case, you may lose some paint. Try to control
yourself the best way possible. Also, make
sure that the area paper is has been soaked
for awhile. Try to use your judgement and take
your time. Let the cel dry on the back, before
you try to do anything. Do not take a towel and
try to dry off any water spots on the backside of
the cel. The front side is okay, but be careful!
Since the cels were not that valuable to begin
with, this method might be okay for you. If you
have an expensive cel, there are professional
services in the USA that will do that service for
you, but at a cost, but there techniques may be
better than these home remedies. You can
find those places in the archives here if you do
a search.
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