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Re: Re: Need Help. How can you remove a sketch that is STUCK to the cel? (Thu Oct 31 00:18:17 2002 )
JC [View profile ]

Hey Delirious, actually, I tried this out.  I set
it under a small light for a few minutes (not
strong enough to melt it of course) and then
worked on removing it.  Warm light and slight
humidity eliminates the static electricity and
that was the reason that got them stuck (although
some of them I gave up on).  And it resulted in
some small paper flakes that stayed ont he cel
(they were the cheap oness thank goodness!).  So
problem solved . . . 

What I received was a massive lot of Transformers
cels (close to 60), about 200+ dougas/sketches,
gangas, time sheets, backgrounds, etc, etc.  I was
only expecting to receive just 44 cels and I ended
up getting the entire studio along with it! 
Probably the BEST deal I had ever made (or will
make) on a group of cels!  *big grins*

I am working on a website and will start posting
them whenever I am finished.


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