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Re: Ending YAJ Auctions Early (Thu Nov 14 01:05:42 2002 )
rayd [View profile ]

This too has happened to me and I understand 
your frustration. o_o# While I agree that the 
seller has the right, it is a very fool hardy 
thing to do by ending it early. Many people do 
as you and I do so not to drive up the price to 
early. Also some crowds of people wait until the 
last minutes to bid for rare items. I collect 
mostly Lain items and when us lain fanatics 
gather it it can be a feeding frenzy, and it 
only takes two for it to go as high as the moon. 
Case in point, I watched a lain doujinshi hover 
around 5000 Yen for a week, then the final 
minute drove it up to 21000 Yen, for a simple 
doujinshi. Lucky for me I already have that one. 
I wasnt so luck for a promo poster, that the 
seller closed early, and I would have bid a 100 
times the selling amount, the sellers only fool 
themselves by ending it early and hurt a 
potentially good customer. Now i'll have to wait 
a year or more for the item to show up again if 
ever. So just to empathize I do know how you 
feel. But take heart, I only know two things in 
life: where there is one, there most times is 
another and all things will come again if you 
wait long enough. I plan to be looking for the 
next 30 years. Dont give up. ^_^x

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