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Re: Re: Ending YAJ Auctions Early (Wed Nov 13 18:52:06 2002 )
umi[nli] [View profile ]

We all know ppl snipe, but in doing so, you risk 
exactly what happened to you, the auction closing 
early thereby not allowing you to bid. So why do 
you take such a bloody risk if it’s for a cel you 
truly want? 

Don’t get me wrong, I understand your situation 
but there are ways to cope. The seller reserves 
the right to close early, one of the few ways to 
reduce this is if someone actually placed a bid 
early. Yes, you will probably be outbid, it's 
expected, but at least the auction isn't as 
likely to get closed. In any event, imo, bid 
early, high and often.

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