You really told me some important things I really
do keep in mind when frequenting him. But he's
adorable, nice, sweet, good-looking, friendly,
understanding, and he makes no fun of me or
whatsoever cuz of the confession ;__; Today I
asked him if my closeness was getting on his
nerves and he said (;__;): "Xcuse me, of course
NOT, you silly dope!! You crazy!?"
Man, that's where I disagree, he so IS worth my
tears ;__;
I think I'm gonna make an UFO doll of him >)
He likes me, that's something^^ (even if he asked
me, while playing bottletwisting, to kiss his
elbow - I woulda, would we've been alone^^;;;;)
Thankies :)
PS Expect a BIG update tonight^^ |