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Need advice...about auctions of all things.. (Mon Dec 2 11:49:24 2002 )
E [View profile ]

Something weird happened to me for the first time.
For the first time none of my auctions drew a 
single bid (hahahaha) I am kind of embarassed to 
even mention it, but it is so funny to me for 
some reason I just had to share it. Has this 
happened to anyone before. I had a few cels here 
on Animanga and two cels on eBay at the same 
time, and none of them drew not a single 
bid.. ;=) 
Now, what should I do? I don't feel like wasting 
money again putting them up..So, I guess that I 
will put them up here ..again. 

But really what I want to know is..how do you 
feel about seeing the same cels recycle through 
again? Do you find cels that once were kinda 
attractive to you, now suddenly even less 
attractive, since no one bid on them the first 
round? Do you think it is better to wait for a 
few months to try to re-post them for sale? This 
is always a curious point for me when I see 
others in that situation. Now, it's my turn..Any 
advice from any sellers that this has happened to?



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