I almost believe Disney to be just as bad as
Microsoft... hahaha I used to be a Disney fan
when I was a kid, but nevermore! I cringe just
at the thought of Kingdom Hearts sharing half of
the cast with Disney characters... Ok, that's a
little extreme... but, I guess I started getting
angry at Disney for 1.) just creating a monopoly
of sorts and 2.) only producing movies and
cartoons with the intention of making a profit.
Any business is going to want profit from their
goods, but there is a line to be crossed. It
just makes me laugh to see that their major
cartoon projects aren't making as much money as
they used to. They should take Miyazaki's films
as an example. One sure-fire way of making an
impact on an audience (thus making money) is
with CREATIVITY, something that I swear is a
lost art in American media. Unoriginality
occurs in both Japan and America, but I think
ppl here are just too lazy to think of anything
creative and would rather take an old fairy tale
and make it into the next Little Mermaid or
something... Has there been ONE 100% original
Disney movie or idea out there??? I just can't
think of one...and that's bad. It's ok to get a
basic idea from something else, I guess
(although my friends would disagree severly to
that), but no more than that. If Disney is so
freaking out about copyright infringements over
their characters, then there's a ZILLION other
creative minds out there that should SUE the
living crap out of Disney for stealing or
manipulating their ideas... Has this ever been
done? I would be ever so happy to see something
like this happen to them! lol I'm sounding so
harsh... Now watch Donald and the gang come and
burn my house down for having a creative
thought. haha
Ahhh yes, 4:30am, and I'm still wide awake...
This only happens to me during vacation... So,
I guess that's all the rambling from me for a
bit. 'nite
Rekka |