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Re: Seeking info on dealer Kamyahouse (Tue Dec 31 03:47:09 2002 )
CCL, nli [View profile ]


why don't you do this...if you're worried that 
the cel might've been sold to another person, 
have a friend or someone e-mail kamyahouse 
inquiring about the cel you want to purchase. if 
kamyahouse says that the cel is still available 
to purchase, then you know that they haven't 
taken it off their sale list. it could go the 
other way though...that they say it's sold or on 
hold, but it's sold or on hold for another 
person...::shrugs:: call them again and not let 
them off the phone till they let you know whether 
they put it on hold for you or not or they 
already sold it to someone else...good luck

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