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I guess it all depends on how much you spend on cels. . . (Sat Jan 11 19:30:21 2003 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles [View profile ]


Lately, I've spent more than usual due to a glut 
of Psychic Force cels which came up. But before 
that I'd gone a long time without buying anything 
since nothing "worth it" came up for the series I 
collect. I love cels, but I don't just buy every 
single one that comes down the pike (not even for 
Psychic Force *laugh*).

I also keep strict limits on my per-cel spending 
so there's NO WAY I would be able to go on a 
cruise for the cost of only two cels! O_O  If the 
cels were that expensive, I'd look at them, nod, 
take the scan for personal enjoyment, and move on.
It wouldn't matter *WHAT* cel it was. There are 
also several cels recently updated that I want, 
and CAN afford (all are within my limit), but IMHO
they're just priced too high. . . I successfully 
pass up those too without blinking. They're still 
available and I'll keep watching them in case 
they go on sale, but in the meantime, I'm not 
losing a single wink of sleep over it. Almost, I 
feel victorious that I *AM* able to pass up cels 
I think are too expensive. It's a nice feeling.

So it really depends on how you approach the 
hobby as a whole. If you're spending all your 
time sitting hunched in front of a computer, 
clicking and reclicking through auction and 
dealer sites, and every dime you can spare is 
going to pay for cels. . . Something is VERY 
wrong and you need to get some kind of help.

(Ugh. . . Trying to finish my update, I almost 
feel like the above. . . But the difference is 
that I can't wait to be DONE. My site probably 
won't be touched again for half a year. ~_~)

I joke about eating ramen for a month to afford a 
really nice cel because I think the idea is funny,
but the truth is that I actually LIKE ramen. . . 
and I make sure I don't HAVE TO eat it.

Many Sharp Smiles,

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