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Re: Sad news and need some comforting... =P (Sun Jan 19 02:47:07 2003 )
CCL, nli [View profile ]


Hey Rekka, I know how you feel...a few years ago, 
I had a gerbil named Thuy (heh..named her after 
the yellow ranger's real name- who also passed 
away recently ;_;)..Thuy died b/c my 
cousin "accidently" dropped her three times from 
at least 10 feet in the air...it was really sad 
b/c I watched Thuy being buried by my mom, while 
she was still half alive (barely though)..and 
then I got a hamster that kept me company for a 
year or so and then died from eating wax that was 
used on my violin bow...a year ago, my brother 
brought home a baby chick and we raised it till 
it became a full grown chicken. it was sucha good 
pet too!! but it was brutally killed by a 
predator while it was outside just scuffling 
around....that was really sad ;_; and then 
recently, my brother's turtle died...::sigh:: 
pets that aren't either dog or cat never last in 
my house...but yes..i understand how you 
feel...but hope you feel better soon~~ 

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