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Re: As Bulma Merquise sked above: why IS everybody quitting/retiring/leaving? (Wed Jan 29 16:45:04 2003 )
mouse [View profile ]

In my case, I was unemployed for a few months 
recently, and I just realized how much I was 
spending on cels...and what other things I was 
missing out on due to that.  I was always broke, 
could never afford anything else but cels.  Over 
the holidays, I saw a lot of things I 
needed/wanted...and all of them were perfectly 
affordable...as long as I didnt smack down huge 
amts for cels.  I also have to move this year, I 
need parts for my computer...I miss clothes 
shopping and vacations, I need a new cel phone, 
some new software, it goes on and on.  I seem to 
not be able to afford anything while Im 
collecting cels.  And, ontop of this..I have 
just about every cel I ever had my eye on save 
like one or two, so Im satisfied at this point.  
Im not stopping completely, Lord knows I will 
still buy now and then.  Im just not hunting as 
much now.  I really want some other things at 
this point ^_^.  (still eyeing that 21 inch flat 
panel monitor at Dell)

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