professionals, now that's funny. hyperenity is
some 20-year-old trying to employ people who
will praise her, and when they finally find out
what an a-hole she is, she fires them (btw, i
hear that misty is now employed for niisan? good
people). the only reason that people employ
hyperenity the most is because she will paint
just about anything.
i won her fanart "contest" back in july, and the
prize was a fan cel with a background, which i
requested from her and she said that she'd
paint, but i still haven't received it and it's
already february of the next year? so
apparently she's *so* professional that she
can't live up to the deals she makes with
potential customers unless they're paying her
for it.
forkysanime is amazing, they really are. it
seems to me like they spend their days (when not
painting, of course) perusing the best dragon
ball z galleries for potential fan cels. either
that, or they are looking on eBay to see what's
selling at the moment, and just making similar
cels. i must admit, though, that their work is
getting a lot better than it used to be.
i stopped painting fan cels a while back; the
ones that i was listing on eBay were being
copied and sold by other fan cel artists. i
remember i sold one of ryoko and another of ed
and ein, and then miraculously two days later
hyperenity had cels of both of those characters
for sale.
another thing was that people weren't requesting
original fan cels. it's not really any fun to
copy a screencap or picture, even if it does
make you an extra buck. and if it wasn't fun
any more and i didn't enjoy doing it, then
naturally i stopped. now while i can't say that
i'm a "professional," i still enjoy painting fan
cels when i do.
haruna |