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I really miss Sculder cels, and Seiruun cel gallery (Sun Feb 2 12:29:47 2003 )
TC nli [View profile ]

I really miss these galleries, remember back in 
the old days there were so many great galleries, 
now most of the great ones are no longer on line, 
it was quite an experience for me everytime I 
visited these galleries, there are many other 
great ones no longer on line, I feel sorry for 
the newer collectors, they really dont know what 
they are missing.

The size the quality some of these gallery had 
were just amazing.

There are many reasons for people to retire or 
kee gallery off line, one of the reason is 
probably because of fan cel.

especially ones who go and make cel copy from 
other collectors galleries and list on ebay for 
profit, like seller forkyanime and hyperrentity.

I dont have problem with fan cel, however not 
when someone who go and make copy from other 
collectors gallery and sell for profit, and doing 
it over and over again, while they do note it is 
a fan cel in most of their auctions with tiny fan 
cel text, they still say it is done by 

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