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Re: Re: Re: I am totally bummed (eBay) (Mon Feb 24 19:12:11 2003 )
lady_douji [View profile ]

But he wasn't complaining about the other bidder 
he was complaining about losing the auction.  
There's nothing wrong with that.  There have 
been times when I've lost out on auctions
(bidding my absolute max and waiting till the 
last possible moment)  It's depressing and 
frustrating.  There may be reason why he 
couldn't have been "more aggressive in his 
bidding" suchs as bills or simply waiting for 
his paycheck.  There's a cel on ebay right now 
that I've been lusting after for a while, but I 
need to wait and see what my paycheck is like 
this week before I can even consider making a 
bid.  There's no need to be so cold if you're 
not going to be sympathtic

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