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New update! (Tue Mar 11 21:00:10 2003 )
Sonia Lai [View profile ]

Dear mouse and Robin,

Hi, thanks for the replies and suggestions!  I
greatly appreciate it!  Well, I e-mailed the
seller again to see if she knew of an appraiser
near me or someone who could appraise the cel via
photos.  She said she would ask her friend, the
CELMAIL moderator, Steve, who is also a cel
dealer to see if he could do an official written
appraisal for me.  She just e-mailed me saying
that Steve will do an official appraisal for her
as a favor :D, and she will forward it to me when
she gets it!  My fingers will be crossed in the
meantime as I await details on how to send photos
of the victim --;!


Sonia =} hopeful

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