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Re: So what was the cel? I gots to know! The suspense was killing me last night :) n/t (Wed Mar 19 17:06:00 2003 )
mouse nli [View profile ]

Well, I will tell you now it wasnt a cel, but it 
was anime related.  It was something that 
required some coorespondance with the Japanese 
seller after the win.  Plus, the auction stated 
they wouldnt ship internationally (awww man), so 
I needed some help since Celga couldnt do the 
cooresponding (hence they couldnt win the 
item).  Sadly, someone used the BIN before I 
could ask the seller any questions.  But, oh 
well...wasnt meant to be mine.  Hopefully 
something similar will pop up or something.  You 
know, someone needs to invent a REAL translator 
program...Id pay an arm for one...

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