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Re: SHOW ME your DREAM CELS and how long did you wait for them? (Mon Mar 17 20:53:46 2003 )
mouse nli [View profile ]

Well, I have quite a few cels that I dub 
dreamcels, but what can I say, I throw that term 
around a lot.  Mainly because I only go after 
cels that I think ARE dreamcels ^_^;;.  This is 
a recent accquisition, one that I waited about 2 
years for.  It was originally on auction on 
Ebay, and I was sniped in the last 1:28 
seconds.  It has a really long story attatched 
to it, as well as the memory of two loved ones.  
I was going to wait before showing this, but why 
not.  My main site will be updated pretty soon 
anyways, finally!  I lost my ultimate dreamcel 
earlier this year (tho he went to a good place 
^_^), as well as another dreamcel which didnt 
make it to me, and this one came along just in 
time to cheer me up!  This is probably the most 
precious cel in my collection now...I cannot 
beleive I am getting it!  Karen, I worship 

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