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Answering your question with a question (Mon Mar 24 21:32:38 2003 )
japester [View profile ]

Do you really think it helps AT ALL to state 
something like "don't bid unless you plan on 
paying"?  What is someone going to do, say, "Well, 
I *was* planning on screwing this seller over, 
buuuut that would be breaking one of her rules."


I'm truly sorry to hear about your problems.  I 
hear more and more horror stories from sellers.  
(Personally, I just sold a cel via BIN last night 
and got the Paypal payment about 90 seconds after 
the bid!  Yowza.)

The only thing you can do against deadbeat bidders 
is to prosecute via Ebay's complaint system.  But 
all that will get you is a bad mark on their 
record.  You're never going to collect any damages 
or anything.

If you want a suggestion, I can only offer one.  
Write LESS rules rather than MORE.  I try to be 
thorough, but even my eyes glaze over when I see 
paragraph after paragraph of rules.  I write no 
more than a few sentences, and I rarely have any 
problems.  State what kind of payment you accept, 
how soon you want it, and state the cost and type 
of shipping.  That's it.  If the flaky bidders 
instantly see your rules, perhaps it will deter 
them from bidding.  But how likely is a flake to 
read your entire, verbose auction text???

Good luck!


(I swear I sent the payment!  LOL)

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