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Sellers are not perfect either ! (Tue Mar 25 12:01:30 2003 )
olivier nli [View profile ]


Just to say that I sold/baught a few items on 
ebay. My problem is I still can't use "buy it 
now" option when I want to sell an item because I 
don't have enough feedbacks. I only have 3 of 
them (all positive, I always paid within 24 
hours), while I should have 5 or 6, because some 
ebaysellers didn't care about giving me their 
positive feedback, while they said by email they 
would do it...
As you can see I don't use ebay that often, I 
know some of you buy or sell something on it once 
a month at the very least, but I would appreciate 
to have this buy it now option available, and 
it's not possible because of some people who 
don't do what they are supposed to do. When you 
buy them an item, I think they could do an 


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