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I never thought of that.... (Thu Jun 5 23:02:39 2003 )
japester [View profile ]

Bandwith theft, that is.  That would certainly 
suck.  Thanks for pointing that out.

As for using screencaps for repros, I was under 
the impression that the less scrupulous artists 
need the cel to make a fake since the actual image 
extends far beyond the edges of a screencap.

The shill auction is an interesting concept.  I 
was only concerned with a fake of my own cel 
floating around for sale, thereby casting doubt on 
the value and validity of my own, authentic cel.  
But you are saying that people have created 
entirely fake auctions using your scans?  While 
that is horrible (and blatantly illegal), it seems 
to impact your own cel less than an actual fake 
item.  If nothing is for sale in that shill 
auction, then the scam is over the minute the 
auction ends, no?

The idea of advertising (with a URL as part of 
your watermark) is one of the few aspects that 
really appeals to me about the whole practice.  
It's rather handy.  :-)

Thanks for the explanation.


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