As i said previously i understand very well !!
Yes i bought lot's of cels of Chachamaru because
there are underestimated !!!!!
You think a Miyazaki cel cost only 20 dollars ???
Go to Tokyo and find a Miyazaki cel at 20
dollars !!!
A super sayien at 40 dollars ??? Stop kidding...
As i said previously if you want a cel buy
before me !
With Chachamaru i buy instantly , not bid so
when he put cels for bidding i don't buy anything
and you are upset by the prices but i can give
some others exemples :
I bought a Grendizer cel at Anime Museum 30
dollars, i put on eBay for bids at 30 euros,
finally the cel was bought at 230 euros !!!
So if i put the famous Miyazaki ( 70 euros in my
shop ) for bids perhaps it would be bought at
higher prices so stop kidding !!
Prices means nothing when a personn is ready to
pay very much for an atractive cel
and the other way i bought saint seiya cels at
100 euros which i sold for 30 euros ( just for
friends buyers ) and at chistmas i sent many
free cels to good customers !!
So you have only a siple vision
From the beginning of this discussion i have
received many mails of peoples who read this and
who support me beacuse they don't understand
thes griefs !! Jealousy of certains ??
depiction ???
So i stop this discussion beacuse i have lots'of
job in my Shop with Saint Seiya figures ( which
ar very low prices !!) and i have to prepare my
Tokyo trip !!
Best regards
Stephane from Anime Fantasy |