Hi everybody
If you look at my shop you can see that there is
only a few cels that are very expensive !!
Yes i bought some cels from takamura for my
collection and for the shop but in Takamura
there are some cels whose cotation is very high
and whose price are very low !!!
I work with Mandarake and there are some experts
in celluloids so i can have a real cotation for
the cels and sorry but lot'sof cels from
takamura haven't the real valour of their prices
so if you want them buy them before me !!
It was at the beginning of my shop , now i buy
80% of my cels directly from Yahoo japan and
Mandarake and i travel to Tokyo 2 times per year
( i'm going to Tokyo in february to buy for 200
000 yens of cels ) |