thank you for your post, it was interesting. no,
you're right, selling my cels isn't probably the
best way to finance the medical expenses, but
it's not the only way. while my sister does have
some savings it's not enough, hence why i am
selling off my cels.
plus, i've actually been trying to get out of
collecting cels for a while now, i just haven't
had the capacity to let them go yet. but this is
just more important to me than cels. and that
doesn't mean that all of you who wouldn't sell
your cels are mean and cruel and inhumane, it
just means that you have other ways of funding
things, or that your cels are as special to you
as anything else that you hold dear, which should
be true for a lifetime hobby.
thanks again for all of the concern and support,
and i'll keep you all updated on his surgery and
haruna |