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Re: Re: If I could go backwards . . . (Thu Jun 19 22:41:16 2003 )
metheus [View profile ]

Why collect cels? Unless its some sort of profit 
based investment you probably collect because you 
like the art/anime/character/etc. I've sometimes 
thought of it as something that brings me closer 
to my favorites. Almost like collecting relics.

Also, collecting offers the collector long term 
goals, such as finding a particular scene. Such 
goals do provide a small amount of meaning. My 
collections have gotten me through some rough 

The amount spent is up to the collector. You 
don't have to buy the first cel to come along. If 
you wait maybe you'll have a better opportunity 
later. I was fortunate and got two items on my 
list over the weekend. On the other hand, some 
items I may never find, but after loosing 
countless auctions/etc. it becomes easier to 

Anyways, I'm rambling off course. Collecting = 
Fun, oh and it's not a passive activity like tv 
watching that so many are addicted to.

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