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Easy to fight for a cel, but try fight 4 people... (not n/t) (Sun Jun 29 00:41:21 2003 )
The bitter Gifted (fancels.rg) [View profile ]

Well... the first one, Zelgadiss, is one of my 
last bought prod' cels. Niisan's Nee-samas sold 
him for $meep on eBay, some guy and me drove it 
up to $owch. But, that one was a DREAM I had to 
scrap in order to be able to pay those half-a-k 
to Celga for the one below as they were on YJ at 
the same moment, but I had to have the big one 
So, my sweat ran when it popped up on eBay over a 
year later...

Well, as for the biggie, I just put it on my WL 
with a $10 bounty when I found it on YJ! Oh the 
tears at the price, but since I'm blessed, I knew 
I'd find a way out... so I emailed them, they 
accepted, and the payment plan forced me to sell 
my beloved katanas... ah... (and much more). But 
I made it. I love that cel, it's a gem!

The third was fun. 5000Y start bid, some 25,000 
end... I just HAD to have Chichiri patting 
Tasuki's head! Eventhough it looked like poop on 
the auction scan... I worked shift that day, and 
my shift fell on the auction's end. My boss was 
sooooooooooooooo nice to let me come a bit later 
and bid :) But, the auction extended and I had my 
mum bid at work. Success: she phoned me on my 
mobile, all happy. I was just crossing a 
huuuuuuge cross point on the hi-way (I walk 
square and across if it shortens my way and gives 
me a kick of danger.. MUAHA!) with my headphones 
Yami-no-Matsueiing me deaf, so I almost got run 
over twice or thrice as my mum told me about our 
victory ;) I so love the cel! I even painted it a 
background :)

Conclusion: My first name, Anna, means 
gifted/blessed. I am blessed to get what I want 
when it's about materialistic stuff. Unimportant 
stuff one might also call it. 
For my second one, Myriam, from Maria, the bitter 
(loser), read on below if you want (I know you 

Fun aside... I never really fought for a person. 
And I never WON when I did (animals incl.).
Here's where I ask myself: why can I fight with 
all means for a chunk of acetate, yet quit after 
a small moral speech and lose to a suicidal loved 
Yeah, reading this rant is voluntary (advice in 
further procedure with that moron appreciated 
"I'm born to lose, I'm gonna throw my life away, 
I'm tired!" (in a nutshell, that's the digest 
from HIM)
"You're wrong, you're just too lazy and scared to 
take it on! Don't quit or you'll regret it!" (my 
nutshelled words)
And I who decided to move his butt no matter how 
hard he'd resist and insist on destroying 
himself: "Happy holidays, quitter!" and left and 
I have no problem with my having to repeat the 
11. grade. I left him to throw himself away which 
I swore to absolutely prevent.

So WHY can people fight for cels but back off or 
lose their temper against loved ones, fearing a 
bigger fight, maybe their wrath or a broken jaw? 
I could have helped him if only I'd yelled, 
cried, begged, cursed him, kept him company, and 
NOT leave.
Got any idea of how frustrating that is? I lost 
him. Everybody loves him, he just won't see it. 
Great pleading job, Anna!

Ugh... yeah...

PS Immediate fat-$$-easy-job or diploma in 2 

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