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Hmmmmm... does wheedling for two years at every possible opportunity count as a fight? *grin* (Sun Jun 29 00:34:29 2003 )
evilminion [View profile ]

Probably not, eh?  *puts Perplexed Pineapple Boy
back in her binder and squeaks happily at April again*

Let's see, then... OH!  Man, how could I forget
this one?  It was the wee hours of the morning and
I was bidding frantically against one of YJ's
regulars -- still not sure if it was a deputy
service or a Japanese collector -- but damn, that
was one hell of a fight.  When the smoke cleared,
I found that I'd paid way too much for this cel,
and months later, I still don't regret a penny of it.

Koji on the Ring Tower, from the opening of
Generator Gawl.  *dreamy sigh*

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