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Thanks ^_^ (Tue Jul 22 18:43:43 2003 )
HotIce Hilda [View profile ]

Thank you for the support, and kind words.  =)

I'm keeping my eyes open for stuff, my name's out 
there.  At least one "job finding service" has my 
name and resume.  **Idea pops into head** I 
should email the service my porfessional webpage, 
it wasn't done when I sent them my resume and 
references.  =) AAAAAAAAH, yes!

That Fred cel is BEAUTIFUL!!!  ***Stares at it 
for a while*** He would definately look good in 
my collection!!  Well, I guess he easily look 
good in anybody's collection.  Someday, when I 
have a job and money I will own a Fred cel that 
nice.  =)

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