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Re: A bit OT - But could use thoughts/advice (Thu Sep 4 09:47:56 2003 )
Crying Freeman [View profile ]

Been on your site many-a-time and really like the 
name as it is, I mean if your a fan of OLS, where 
else would you need to go! Exactly, no where, it 
does exactly what it says on the tin! ^_^

Would only suggest changing it, in order for me 
to get the name for myself! ^_~ Heheh!

I also think individual show sections is 
good...just makes it easiear to navigate and see 
what you want. Altho it's totally up to you of 
You could always keep the misc section which 
could lead onto the individual show galleries, if 
you want to keep your OLS and yuyu seperate.

Well that's what I think! Whatever you decide, 
I'm sure it'll be great!! Good luck with the site!

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