Hmmmm....until I plugged all that gobbledy gook
into a translation service I figured that they
were just a seller that KNEW the cel would sell
for more than that (like setting an Evangelion
cel at a penny on e-Bay). Then the first few
lines look like they don't actually own the cel
but can tell you ways to make enough money to
own such a great cel OR can sell you a list that
tells you where to find good cels cheap-but
that's just a guess.
Assuming that they are selling a cel and not
info, I think the crux of the description would
be: "Being to be cheap offer, we ask with the no
claim no return." (ugh, babblefish) Which I
take to mean, "Since you get to buy it for so
cheap you lose the right to bitch". I can't
make heads or tails of the rest of it. It
really cracks me up, though!
Personally, I would watch and see if any native
Japanese speakers bid on it... They have really
high feedback but it just feels sketchy to me. |