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Re: *sigh* (Mon Nov 10 20:48:46 2003 )
luna-art (nli) [View profile ]

Hear hear, lynxa.

I was just writing up a very similar post when I 
read yours - I couldn't have said it better!!  

I will only add . . . speaking of "sugar coating" 
something . . . to say you only posted 3 times in 
2 months, when it was really 6 times in one month 
really doesn't help your case.  Okay, one time it 
was in response to someone else's post, but it 
was still just an advert.  Next time . . . 
instead of just lashing out at people with 
threats, you might want to sit back and ask 
yourself how not to write a post that pisses off 
the very people you are trying to get to use your 
site.  Just a thought . . . 

~Luna-Art >^.^<

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