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RE:RE:Hell no (Mon Nov 10 01:56:01 2003 )
BobOki [View profile ]

I am to assume you have been to the site then?
That would be folly.
THis is a PUBLIC forum, if you don't like a post 
every blue moon too damn bad. Don't go spouting 
your "stop spamming the boards" crap. No spam has 
happened yet. 
I am running a free site... I don't charge 
anything... I don't even have anything to sell.. 
I just provide the service so other can sell and 
buy thier stuff for free.... if that is such a 
BAD thing, then thats just some tough shit. I 
will continue to post my site here periodically 
with updates if there is, or to remind others 
that it exists. I still see a lot of people 
posting thier ebay links, so I know that there 
are still people that are paying $.10-$5.00 to 
sell thier cells. Mine is free.
If everyone here sold there, and everyone that 
buys here bought there... then more money would 
be around.

THis is a GREAT free service, and damnit, if you 
don't like it, feel free NOT to read my post. Its 
not hurting you OR this site. Grow up.

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