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As per Sensei's suggestion, SHOW ME near misses! AHHHH! (Thu Nov 6 07:10:08 2003 )
blueheaven [View profile ]

Many folks here have had cels sent to them, and 
when the package arrived they noticed that it had 
been bent or damaged in an array of horrible 
ways. So, you take the package to the Post Office
(or brave it out at home) and open the package to 
see the damage. Huzza! The cel is unharmed in 
spite of what the postal employees tried to do to 

Well, it happened to me. I won two cels via 
auction and waited for them to arrive. When I 
went to my apartment office to pick it up, the 
manager handed the package to me. I let out a 
gasp as half the package remained firm in my 
hand, while the other half dangled at a perfect 
angle toward the ground. I strightened the 
package up and went to my apartment. Fearing the 
worst, and with no insurance on the package, I 
opened it. The seller had shipped my cels in one 
of those plastic cases, and somehow it had been 
shattered in half right down the middle. As I 
inspected my cels, I ws relieved that they were 
in perfect shape. Even the background was fine. 
And here is my little heart attack below.

So, ever have a close call with a cel? Show us 
the end result of your moment in hell.

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